The Empowered Workforce
The new workforce is highly social, mobile and accustomed to an on-demand, technology driven lifestyle. What's more, they are projected to be almost 50% of the workforce in the next two years.
Does your company have the necessary technology to ensure your business remains competitive in today's marketplace?
With UNIVERGE 3C™, a complete software-based unified communications and collaboration solution, your workforce will be empowered to become more agile, more flexible and more productive.
Check out this video to learn more about the trends you will soon be facing and how you can address them.

The new workforce is changing the dynamics of business communications everywhere. Their appetite for the latest technology is yet to be satisfied, and they take full advantage of the newest applications plus expect on demand, unlimited access to information.
Do you have the communications technology needed to take full advantage of the experience and aptitude of this up and coming workforce?
With UNIVERGE 3C™, a complete software-based unified communications and collaboration solution, you will be empowering this new workforce with the tools that they need to become more productive, responsive and accessible to your organization.
To better understand this new Empowered Workforce, view the infographic below.

Interested in Finding Out More?
Professional Telecommunications Services, Inc. is the best source for sales, installation and service of your business's communications needs. To arrange for your personal consultation and demonstration, contact Leah Hazenfield at (513) 232-7700, extension 5113 or send your request to
For more information on NEC's UNIVERGE 3C, visit NEC's website.