Smart Enterprise Trends 2014
February 14th, 2013 by admin
10 Strategic Drivers that will Empower the Smart Enterprise
Competing in today’s business environment is about meeting challenges, making decisions and innovating rapidly – using the best and most current technologies, tools and information.
With more than 100 years of excellence in both Information and Communications technologies, NEC shares its views regarding trends and technologies that in 2014 will drive productivity and provide businesses with superior customer service, a more flexible work environment and a competitive edge.
Cloud Services, Mobile Integration, Real-time Collaboration and High Availability are becoming essential ingredients for the Smart and Secure Enterprise. They are part of a rapidly evolving technology foundation by means of which NEC is not only enabling new approaches to how IT services are delivered and managed, but also new ways for businesses to grow.
NEC identifies and discusses the following top 10 Smart Enterprise Trends that will be strategic for many organizations and will have significant impact in their operations in the coming years.
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